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Indicators and German Plant Protection Index (PIX) Indicators and German Plant Protection Index (PIX)

Progress made with the National Action Plan (NAP) is reviewed with the help of a comprehensive set of indicators und data sets, that have a close reference to the National Action Plan‘s targets and that make it possible to review the National Action Plan‘s degree of achievement of the targets. The German Plant Protection Index (PIX) sums up the periodic results of the indicator system comprehensively. It is updated on an ongoing basis. Indicators that are tied to targets are characterised both by a base value, describing the initial value at the start of the NAP, and also by a target value stating the value being aimed for after a certain time period passes. Therefore, apart from the current status quo for the sub-indicator, the PIX also states a percentage degree of achievement of the target for these indicators. A 100 % level of achievement means that the goal was fully reached within the period under consideration. Apart from the indicators linked to a certain target, data sets and further indicators which are already being used for other purposes are being tracked. For some of them it is not possible to show the degree of achievement.

Further information: PIX Details (in German)